Diesel in oil is a type of fuel dilution—a term used to describe the increase of oil level in the engine. This occurs when diesel fuel leaks into your engine oil when it travels towards the...
Posts by Osuagwu Solomon
Vehicle engines comprise several parts, one of which is the cylinders—where combustion takes place. However, only fuel and air are needed by the cylinder to carry out combustion. Should any other...
When your dashboard brake light illuminates, take note. It’s your car's way of telling you something's amiss with its brakes - don't ignore this warning sign. Your brakes serve a vital function and...
One of the things you will notice when you turn on your ignition is the different car symbol lights on the dashboard. Most of these lights are supposed to turn off as soon as you start the engine....
Automakers design cars to perfectly tell you when something is wrong with the car. But you have to listen and pay close attention to understand what the car is saying. One of the ways your car will...
Power Steering Fluid Low But No Leaks – Causes and Solutions
Power steering fluid is essential in Today’s vehicles — allowing drivers to easily and accurately maneuver. However, power steering fluid can become low, causing complications like hard steering...