Blue Light On Dashboard — What You Should Know

One of the things you will notice when you turn on your ignition is the different car symbol lights on the dashboard. Most of these lights are supposed to turn off as soon as you start the engine. But if any of the lights stay on or reappear after the engine starts, it is trying to notify you of an issue.

The color of the dashboard light determines what it is trying to tell you. For example, a red light on the dashboard means a severe issue that needs urgent attention. Yellow or amber light signifies a mild or less severe issue. White and green lights show the system is currently in use or working correctly. This article will explain what blue light on the dashboard means and how to clear it.

how to fix blue coolant light

What does the blue light mean on the dashboard?

A blue light on the dashboard means the vehicle has not yet reached the normal operating temperature and is nothing to worry about. In other words, the engine is too cold for driving. However, to avoid any complications, it is important to idle the car until the blue temperature light disappears before driving.

The engine temperature light can turn another color — red. When the red color turns on, it shows your engine is too hot, and there’s a chance of overheating, or it is already overheating.

A warning blue light on dashboard can also be an indicator that the high beam light is on. If the headlamp dashboard icon illuminates a blue light, it means the high beam light is currently in use or working correctly. In such a case, you have nothing to worry about. However, only use high-beam headlights when necessary.

How to fix blue coolant light

There are three methods or approaches to fix the blue light on the dashboard of a Honda Civic or any car model.

Allow the engine to warm up before driving.

Since the blue coolant temperature light means the engine is too cold for driving, do not drive the vehicle while the light is there. Instead, idle the vehicle for a few minutes for it to warm up. Usually, the light should clear within 2 to 5 minutes of idling.

If you are in a rush to somewhere, you can drive the car with the blue temperature light on but at a moderate speed. The light should disappear as soon as the engine warms up.

Check the coolant level.

In rare cases, the blue temperature light on the dashboard could mean low coolant in the radiator. While this is rare, you don’t have to rule it out. Check the coolant level if the blue temperature lights stay on the dashboard for an extended period. Topping the radiator with the recommended coolant could be all you need to address the light.

However, if the car starts before the coolant icon illuminates blue light for an extended period, turn off the car and allow the engine to cool before checking the coolant level. The temperature car symbol looks like a flag floating in water with blue light.

I advise you to wait patiently for the coolant to cool down before opening the radiator cap. Otherwise, the built-up pressure in the radiator will pour the coolant and burn off your skin.

Also, ensure you have the correct antifreeze that meets your vehicle specifications. Improperly mixed antifreeze or the wrong type of antifreeze can cause the engine coolant to be lower than it should be. Invariably, keeping the light longer than it should.

Switch off high-beam headlights.

As explained earlier, another reason for a blue light to appear on the dashboard is when the high-beam headlights are on. Switch off the high-beam headlights if you want the blue light on the dashboard to disappear. You can turn on the low beams and the blue headlamp light on the dashboard will turn to green — showing that the low beam lights are on.

blue light on dashboard toyota

Is it safe to drive with a coolant light on?

The blue temperature light on the dashboard does not stop your car’s movement. Neither will it cause engine overheating. However, it is best to idle the car until the blue light on the dashboard of Mazda or your respective car goes off.

It’s normal for this light to come on upon start-up. If anything, the blue temperature light on the dashboard means your car temperature is below the required operating temperature needed for driving. You just need to allow the car to warm up before hitting the road.

In extreme cases, though rare, your engine may freeze and not start. The blue temperature light on your dashboard means the coolant is too cold. Too cold coolant can also make the radiator too cold and prevent the car from starting.

How long should the blue coolant light stay on?

If the blue light has a headlight icon, the light will not go off until you turn off the high-beam headlamp.

But if it is a temperature light, it should disappear on its own after 2 to 5 minutes. If it persists after 5 minutes, check the coolant level and ensure it is at the right level.

Final Words

To be precise, there are two common blue lights on dashboard that you will see at one point or the other. The first blue is the temperature light, indicating that the engine temperature is too low. It doesn’t denote a problem. You just have to allow the engine to warm up before hitting the road.

The second blue is the one with a headlamp icon—indicating that the high-beam headlight is currently in use or working correctly. Ignore the light if your driving situation demands high-beam headlights. But if it doesn’t, consider switching on the low beam or completely turning off the headlights.

Osuagwu Solomon

Osuagwu Solomon is a certified mechanic with over a decade of experience in the mechanic garage, and he has over five years of experience in the writing industry. He started writing automotive articles to share his garage experience with car enthusiasts and armature mechanics. If he is not in the garage fixing challenging mechanical problems, he is writing automotive repair guides, buyer’s guides, and car and tools comparisons.

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