What is EGR Delete – Pros and Cons

Some vehicle owners like to experiment by adding aftermarket kits or removing specific parts from their vehicles. EGR delete is a common practice in this category.

Removing a vehicle’s exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system can provide a couple of advantages to the engine. However, an EGR system delete does not only come with its numerous pros; the cons are also a factor to consider.

So, if you’re contemplating deleting your vehicle’s exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, kindly read this article first to understand what is involved. The subsequent sections define what an EGR system means, what it does, its pros and cons, and whether it is worth it.

What is EGR Delete?

An exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system delete is the process of using an aftermarket performance kit to remove a vehicle’s EGR valve in order to prevent the redirection of exhaust gases into the engine.

When this happens, it affects several areas of the vehicle’s engine performance. Some of the after-effects of an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system delete may be beneficial.

However, there are various disadvantages that you must not ignore; otherwise, it can be detrimental in the end. Therefore, ensure to analyze the pros and cons in the following section to find out whether EGR delete is good or bad.

What Does EGR Delete Do

You’ll notice three key differences once you install the EGR delete kit. Firstly, it’ll enhance the engine power. As explained earlier, the EGR system limits engine efficiency, affecting overall performance. Secondly, you’ll notice increased fuel economy. The engine will work less hard, which means it’ll burn less gas to produce the same amount of power.

Lastly, EGR delete will increase the engine lifespan. The exhaust gas recirculation into the engine usually deposits soot on engine parts and causes accelerated wear on the engine parts. With the EGR delete, the exhaust gas is no longer recirculating back into the engine. As a result, it’ll limit the soot deposit on engine parts.

egr delete legal

Pros and Cons EGR Delete

Paying attention to the EGR delete pros and cons below will help you make the best decision concerning either removing or retaining your vehicle’s EGR system.


  • Reduced engine temperature
  • Improved fuel efficiency
  • Enhanced throttle response
  • Extended engine life
  • Engine power maximization
  • Limits vehicle breakdown


  • Illegal in the United States
  • Possibility of EGR being stuck open
  • It may reduce horsepower (HP)
  • The vehicle may fail an MOT test
  • Engine knocking
  • May trigger the Check Engine light

egr delete gas engine

Is it worth doing an EGR delete?

With the pros and cons of EGR delete, it is hard to say whether it is worth it or not. The EGR delete improves fuel economy, maximizes engine power, limits vehicle, extends engine life span, etc., Also, it can lead to engine knocking. Reduce horsepower, trigger the engine warning light, and cause you to fail emission inspection. And most importantly, it is illegal in the United States.

In light of this, EGR delete is not worth it. It is illegal in the States and can trigger the check engine light, preventing you from knowing when the car computer detects a new problem and triggers the check engine light.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

Q: Is an EGR delete illegal?

If you are asking, “Is EGR delete legal?” Deleting a vehicle’s exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system is illegal in all the 50 states in the U.S. The United States has created laws that serve as a standard that all vehicles must meet to be eligible for road use.

Possessing an EGR system is one of the requirements that validate a vehicle’s eligibility for use on the United States’ roads.

The government is focused on the good health of its citizens; hence the laws have been put in place to regulate practices that may be detrimental to the citizen’s health and well-being.

If you are contemplating deleting your vehicle’s EGR system, kindly think twice because it is illegal in the U.S.

Q: Does EGR delete add horsepower?

When you delete a vehicle’s exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, it automatically boosts oxygen density in the engine’s air/fuel mixture. This will further result in increased horsepower.

However, the horsepower increase may not be easily noticed because the boost may not exceed 1%. In addition, the EGR delete also helps to prevent a vehicle’s inlet manifold from being dirty over time.

So, if you desire to increase your vehicle’s horsepower, removing the EGR system may help you achieve this goal. However, it may not be ideal because of the position of the law pertaining to EGR system removal.

Q: What happens if you delete EGR valve?

If you are asking, “What does EGR delete do?” EGR system delete will affect a vehicle’s engine efficiency and pose a threat to the safety of the environment. The adverse effect of the EGR system delete can be detrimental to other drivers on the road as well as pedestrians or other road users.

On the other hand, deleting a vehicle’s EGR system could put you in trouble with the United States Environment Protection Agency (EPA). This is because removing the component from a vehicle will result in an emission problem.

It would be best to consider all the factors surrounding an EGR system delete before opting for it. Considering the consequence of an action is a vital part of decision-making.

Q: Will EGR delete cause black smoke?

An EGR system delete will not cause black smoke because it doesn’t involve incomplete combustion. A vehicle will release black smoke due to excess fuel running into the engine, thereby leading to incomplete combustion.

Incomplete combustion results in unburned gas blowing from a vehicle’s exhaust pipe. When this happens, one of the primary signs is the release of black smoke. In other words, deleting your vehicle’s EGR system will not result in the release of black smoke.

Also, note that if you’re already experiencing the release of black smoke from your car’s exhaust pipe, EGR system delete will not correct it. Also, note that EGR delete in gas engines attracts similar effects as diesel EGR delete.

Q: Does EGR delete make louder?

Of course, an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system delete will eventually make your vehicle sound louder. This is because the EGR system helps to minimize the level of noise coming from a vehicle’s engine. In that case, removing the component is like unlocking the suppressed sound.

The loud noise may be fun for the car owner because it distinguishes the car. However, it could also be an offensive noise to other road users and people in the neighborhood.

While thinking about deleting your vehicle’s exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system, don’t forget to consider other road users and the people in your neighborhood.

Q: Can I drive without EGR?

Sure, driving without the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system in your car is possible. The component doesn’t have anything to do with the functioning of the engine or the four wheels.

However, it is not ideal for you to drive a car without the EGR system. Besides the government sanction that applies to the illegal removal of an EGR system, noise is a factor.

Too much noise is bad; hence, vehicle manufacturers figured out a way to minimize the noise from an engine. However, if you like the distinctive sound that an EGR system delete produces, you might as well prepare for the consequence of noise pollution.

Q: Does EGR make sound?

Yes, a vehicle’s exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system can make the engine produce a knocking sound. This occurs when the EGR system is permanently closed. So if you’re experiencing knocking or rattling noise from your car’s engine, it is most likely you have a defective EGR system.

The noise is usually minimal or completely silent when the vehicle idles; meanwhile, it increases once you begin to accelerate. If you are facing this challenge at the moment, consider contacting an expert auto mechanic to check out the problem and fix it.

Q: Can you roll coal with an EGR?

Rolling coal requires using aftermarket kits to bypass a vehicle’s exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system. In other words, you can’t roll coal with an EGR system. Meanwhile, it is vital to note that rolling coal is against the extant law of the Clean Air Act of the United States.

The EPA – Environmental Protection Agency is charged with the responsibility to enforce absolute compliance by vehicle manufacturers. In that case, violating the Clean Air Act by engaging in coal rolling can lead to a severe fine in tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Final words

Irrespective of the several benefits of EGR delete in a car, it is vital to pay attention to the cons as well. The illegality of an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system is enough reason to deter from the practice.

There are other ways of enjoying some of the EGR delete benefits, such as increased horsepower without removing your vehicle’s EGR system. It would be best to figure out alternative ways of enjoying those benefits while keeping a positive stand with the law.

Otherwise, a simple EGR system delete can put you in big trouble with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Osuagwu Solomon

Osuagwu Solomon is a certified mechanic with over a decade of experience in the mechanic garage, and he has over five years of experience in the writing industry. He started writing automotive articles to share his garage experience with car enthusiasts and armature mechanics. If he is not in the garage fixing challenging mechanical problems, he is writing automotive repair guides, buyer’s guides, and car and tools comparisons.

3 thoughts on “What is EGR Delete – Pros and Cons

  1. As a chemical engineer, removing EGR can increase significantly the formation of NOx gases which are health hazard.
    Returning exhaust gs to cylinder during low speed reduces O2 and N2 reaction due to extreme diesel combustion temp. Target of return gas is to minimize excess oxygen to prevent reaction.
    So what is more importnat. Health/human longevity or engine performance/longevity?
    Regulation is there for greater good and not for self satisfaction.
    Sorry for my comment, but it is the law since it is for our safety

  2. Can I cap the coolant hose leading to the EGR to prevent coolant leakage and loss without deleting the EGR? What’s the worse that can happen?

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