How To Let Air Out Of Tire – Explained

Many motorists think that over-inflating their vehicle tires will give better handling and excellent gas mileage. This misconception is getting too much everywhere. Even some truck drivers think the same way. This belief has saturated the online space with several experiments on some videos and detailed articles.

However, the truth is that over-inflating tires can cause compromised control, handling, and uneven and outer tire wear.

Over-inflated tires can compromise your driving experience, as they can become stiff and brittle, leading to wheel vibrations.

If you need better gas mileage and handling, stick to the manufacturer’s recommended tire pressure. You can get this information in the owner’s booklet. Remember that manufacturers determine tire pressure for specific car models after a series of tests and studies.

In this article, we’ll examine how to let air out of a tire and answer some trivial questions regarding this subject.

How To Let Air Out Of Tires

Before we proceed, note that getting air out of someone’s tire is illegal whether you burst the tire or only deflected it.

Automakers run several tests and studies on tires in consideration of handling, gas mileage, and control before installing it on a vehicle. They engineer tires to offer better handling and gas mileage on specific vehicles.

Exceeding the amount of recommended pressure leads to wear acceleration. Over-inflation can cause a tire not to reach half of its duration.

Letting air out of tires is a simple task that requires DIY skills. However, you need some tools to let the air out of tires.

how to let air out of tire with gauge

Tools needed:

  • Jack and jack stand
  • Needle-nose pliers
  • Tire gauge.

Locate the valve stem.

Vehicle tires have valve stems. The valve stems are connected to the tire tubes, and it’s easy to locate. There’s a dust cover on the valve stem to prevent debris from clogging it.

Take off the cover by screwing it counterclockwise. It’s important to locate the valve stem first when considering how to deflect a tire.

Use the tire pressure gauge.

Firstly, determine the pressure on the tire and match it with the recommended pressure. Attach the pressure gauge on the valve stem to get the pressure inside the tire. The gauge will tell you the present air pressure. That way, it’ll be easier to determine how much air to let out of the tire.

Depress the valve pin.

Look into the valve stem; you’ll find a small metal pin. Depress the pin with a screwdriver. If you are searching for how to let air out without a tool, use any sharp object to depress the metal pin. You’ll hear a hissing sound, indicating that air is getting out of the tire. Lift the screwdriver off the metal pin to stop it from deflecting.

That is how to let the air out of a tire safely. Remember that too low tire pressure can cause uneven and inner tire wear.

Jack the vehicle

Lift the vehicle before you completely remove the air in the tire. Completely deflecting the tire without lifting the vehicle will damage your rotors and tires.

Find the jack point by the side of the tire to gain leverage and lift the vehicle in the air. Then, completely remove the air and take off the tire safely. Consult your owner’s manual if you’re unsure of where to place a jack on your vehicle.

Remove the small metal pin.

For how to let air out of a tire fast, unscrew the metal pin. Use a pair of long needle-nose pliers to unscrew the metal pin. Turn the metal pin inside the valve stem clockwise. Your tire will lose air in a quicker flow than when you just press the metal pin.

Use this method if you want to deflect your tires quickly. Keep the metal pin in a safe place so you don’t misplace it. Remember to screw the pin back into the valve once you’re done.

how to let air out of tires fast


What do I do if I put too much air in my tire?

It’s pretty common to over-inflate tires when not paying attention. If you have Over-inflated your car tires, follow the steps below to reduce the air and get back on the road.

Locate the valve stem on the over-inflated tire. It is a black pole that sticks out of the tire. Uncover the cap by twisting it to the left to access the metal pin inside.

Measure the air in the tire with your tire pressure gauge. Compare the air pressure inside the tire with the recommended pressure. This is to give you an idea of how much air to remove.

Push the metal pin in the center of the valve stem with the rear end of the pressure gauge. You can use any sharp object. Keep checking the remaining pressure until it’s okay according to the manufacturer’s recommendation.

Once you have the manufacturer’s specifications, screw in the cap. That’s it! You’re good to go.

Is 40 tire pressure too high?

Most manufacturers recommend 32 to 40 PSI (pounds per square inch) when cold. It is pretty good to stick to your manufacturer’s specifications. Anything aside from that projects a risk to the tire.

That said, inflating your tire to 40 PSI when the manufacturer recommends 35 is too high and can lead to uneven and sidewall tire damage. In the same manner, inflating a tire to 40 PSI when the manufacturer recommends that is okay.

Is 42 tire pressure too high?

While most manufacturers recommend 32 to 40 PSI, some may recommend higher air pressure. So, if your manufacturer specifies 42 PSI, you should be okay with it. Always stick to the manufacturer’s recommendation. It is the manufacturer in print.

Is 50 psi too much for tires?

Auto manufacturers and tire producers have a maximum inflation pressure rate on every tire. On most vehicles, it is written on a small print around the edge of the tire sidewall.

Note you may often find a lower-rated maximum inflation pressure on the door jamb for enhanced handling and a seamless driving experience. For better fuel economy and longer tread life, follow the specifications on the tire edge sidewalls rather than the one on the door jamb.

In any case, if you want better handling, a seamless driving experience, and good traction, stick to the ratings on the door jamb. If any of these ratings state 50 PSI, then it is not too high for your vehicle. But if it is quite below that, don’t drive with you.

At what pressure will a tire explode?

Tires are built with strong materials like natural rubber, synthetic rubber, silica, nylon, steel, carbon black, polyester, petroleum, etc. These materials make tires hard to burst under high inflation.

However, this doesn’t mean they can’t explode. Tires will explode at about 200 PSI (pounds per square inch).

Does checking tire pressure let the air out?

Do I lose air when checking tire air pressure? This is one of the questions I receive from customers in our garage.

A straight-to-the-point answer is you don’t lose air when checking tire pressure. Have you ever wondered what the little knob at the rear end of the pressure gauge is for? It lets air out when you inflate more than the recommended pressure.

If checking tire pressure lets air out, there shouldn’t be any need for that knob on the rear end of the gauge.

Should all 4 tires have the same PSI?

Well-inflated tires enhance fuel economy, improve safety, gives better traction and a seamless driving experience. On the other hand, under-inflated tires project quicker and uneven tire wear, overheating, and consume more gas.

All tires should be on the same PSI to avoid accelerated wear, rough handling, and loss of traction.

Is it OK to lower tire pressure?

Many motorists don’t care about their tire pressure let alone think of low tire pressure. This matters a lot, and they should think of it.

It is not okay to lower tire pressure below the specified ratings. Low tire pressure can cause bad gas mileage handling issues and can even cause a tire to fail.

You don’t want to lower your tire pressure or let it stay lower for an extended period. Low tire pressure can cause a tire to blow.

Final words

Proper tire pressure will improve tire grip and traction, provide better handling, improve gas mileage, and offer a seamless driving experience. Tire pressure plays a critical role in the overall performance of a car. Therefore, it is important to learn how to let air out of tires and how to inflate car tires.

Hopefully, this article has unveiled a simplified method on how to let air out of a tire without a gauge. The steps in this article are also handy if you’re looking for how to let air out of a tire with a gauge.

Osuagwu Solomon

Osuagwu Solomon is a certified mechanic with over a decade of experience in the mechanic garage, and he has over five years of experience in the writing industry. He started writing automotive articles to share his garage experience with car enthusiasts and armature mechanics. If he is not in the garage fixing challenging mechanical problems, he is writing automotive repair guides, buyer’s guides, and car and tools comparisons.

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