Awesome Way to Remove Window Tint Glue

Tinting is one way to decorate your vehicle by applying a translucent film on the windows. It helps cut off visibility and gives those inside the car some privacy. The problem comes when removing the tints as you will have some residual glue, which is hard to remove. This piece comes to your aid by showing you how to remove window tint glue.

The tint glue’s problem factor is that it looks bad on the surface and can affect the aesthetic value of the vehicle, especially if you want to sell it. When removing the glue, you need to be careful, lest you scratch your windows, something that is irreversible.

So why should you remove window tint glue? Let us answer this question in the next section.

What Brings The Need To Remove Tint Glue?

When You Want To Fix Another Window Tint

Car tuning is all about change, and you may feel that the present form of the car is not that appealing. So, you decide to change its appearance by giving it a total revamp, where you also target the windows. To put a new tint, you have to remove the old one and the residual glue.

The surface needs to be clean and even calling for every move to remove the film remnants.

To Improve The Look Of Your Vehicle

It is no secret that the tint glue that remains on your car window is not that comforting. It looks hideous and degrades the beauty of the car. If you want to rejuvenate the looks of the car, you can start by removing the glue.

The Vehicle Is On Sale

The selling of cars is a daunting task as it has to meet the requirements of the buyers. The potential customers have to inspect it to be sure that they have a nice deal on their hands. If you have glue remnants on your window surface, it may affect the resale price or even lose a client. It is a subtle sign of poor maintenance.

Window Maintenance

The window is an essential part of the car, and you need to properly and regularly maintain it. Adhesive removal may be part of the maintenance regime, where you also inspect the window surface for scratches, cracks, and other faults.
The adhesive residues might obstruct you from noticing such defects.

Improving Visibility

Tint’s main purpose is to limit visibility from the outside. You can remove it if you do not want it anymore, and reflecting your needs of a transparent window; you should also do away with the glue. The glue may cause some obstruction, where you don’t have a perfect view of the outside.

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How To Remove Window Tint Glue: Step By Step Method

The following are some of the items you will need before proceeding to remove the glue.

  • A heat gun.
  • A bucket of warm water and detergent.
  • A sponge or rug.
  • Goo gone.
  • Rubbing alcohol or nail remove

Step 1: Cleaning the Surface

The first step involves cleaning the surface to get rid of residual dirt that may be trapped by the glue. Dub the sponge or rag into the warm water and gently wipe the surface. The warm water will help loosen the glue and release the trapped material.

A point to note is that you should be precise with the cleaning to avoid scratching the window surface. You can let it dry for some minutes before proceeding.

Step 2: Heating the Glue

You now bring the heat gun into the mix to heat the glue to make it lose and easy to remove. Set the heat gun at moderate heat and expose it to the area with the glue. Optionally, you can also use a hair blow dryer, which you set at maximum heat.

With the glue loss, you can use detergent, or a range of other solvents to get rid of it. On how to remove window tint glue with heat, you need to regulate the heat to the right levels to prevent damage to surrounding structures such as the paint jo.

Step 3: Clearing Off the Glue

Bring in the detergent and carefully wipe the window surface to remove the glue. Once the surface is clean, bring in more clean water to leave the area spotless.

window tint heat gun temperature

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Cleaning Of Window Tint Glue Using Alcohol-Based Solvents

Alcohol-based cleaning solvents also work fine to remove the window tint residues. The following are some of the solutions to use and how to use them.

Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol can effectively remove the glue, but it might require several trials to have a spotless surface. You have to dub some of the alcohol in a rag or soft cloth and then wipe it with the glue.

It would be best if you were careful when using rubbing alcohol as it is flammable. Please do not use it near a flame or in a closed area to avoid suffocation.

Use A Nail Polish Remover

Nail polish remover also does the job well, but you will need to do it several times to achieve the desired results like the rubbing alcohol. Dip a cloth in the remover and clean the messy area, and you are good to go.

Using A Vinegar Solution

Another household item you may use to clean your window areas with tint residue is a vinegar bottle. Fill a spray bottle with vinegar and spray it on the surface. Then cover the surface with a paper towel and spray more vinegar on it.

After five minutes, remove the paper towel, and you will notice the window surface is a bit cloudy. You now bring a bucket of soapy water to clean the area and use a razor blade to scrape off the glue. When using a razor blade, you need to be extra careful to prevent scratching the window or cutting yourself.

Rinse with soapy water until the surface is spotless. The use of vinegar and other household items are ideal ways of managing window tint removal costs as they are affordable.

Removing Baked On Window Film

You also need to know how to remove the baked-on window film. Baked on film needs you to have some ammonia solution in a spray bottle, steel wool, paper towels, and cleaning water. First, try scrapping off the sunbaked film with a razor or plastic card.

You then spray the ammonia solution over the sunbaked area and put paper towels on the moist region. Then spray another generous amount of ammonia, careful not to make the paper towels a wet mess.

Leave it for a few minutes, then remove the paper towels and start acting on the section with your steel wool. Be cautious with steel wool, because if you are aggressive when using it, you can damage the window with scratches.
Remove the cloudiness and rinse with soapy water while you run a rag across the surface. Make a final wash with clean water, and your windows will be free of any stains.

When using ammonia, you should be aware of the strong smell. Use it in open areas to avoid suffocation. Ammonia is not advisable for household applications, such as removing window tint glue from house windows, as the smell may be too much for the house.

Using Industrial Cleaners

There are industrial cleaners such as Goo gone and WD40, which are lubricant-based and can cleanse the window film remnants. They are easy to use, and you will find them in garages and carwashes.

You spray the cleaners on the window and let it rest for like a minute, then wipe it off and follow up with washing it off with water.

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How to Remove Window Tint and Glue in 10 minutes YouTube

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will Rubbing Alcohol Remove Window Tint Glue?

Rubbing alcohol is one of the cleaning agents you can use to remove window tint glue. You need a soft cloth and a bucket of soapy water to deal with the issue at hand. You dip the soft cloth into the alcohol and wipe your window until the residue comes off. Pour the soapy water to lean the entire window, then follow up with a clean water rinse.

Q: Does WD40 Remove Tint Glue?

WD40 is a professional-grade cleanser that you can acquire if you want a fast and effective cleaning process. To use it, you spray some of it onto the window and let it rest for a minute before wiping it off with a rug. Finalize by giving the window a good wash. ATR adhesive remover is an ideal option if you do not have WD40.

Q: How Do You Remove Window Tint Glue From The Back Window?

The back window is easy to deal with when removing window tint remnants. You can use alcohol-based solvents or a heat gun to loosen up the glue and clean it using detergent. Lubricant-based cleaners such as WD40 can also do the task correctly, leaving you with an elegant window.

Q: Will Goo Gone Remove Window Tint Glue?

Goo Gone is the cleaner to look at if you want a fast process in dealing with window tint residue. Using it is a straightforward process, where you spray it on the window and then use a soft rag to wipe the cleaner.

Q: Will Acetone Remove Window Tint Glue?

Acetone is a great option to look at in removing tint film residue. It dies a good job in loosening up the glue, which you can scrape off using a razor blade or plastic card. However, be cautious when using it as there is a risk of suffocation in closed areas or fire hazards as it is flammable.

Q: Can I Remove Window Tint Myself?

Tint removal is a straightforward process, where you pay attention to loosening the adhesive. You can use heat, or alcohol to effectively pull the tint from the window. After you get rid of the tint, you can now focus on removing the residue using cleaning solvents.

Final Word

The use of window tints is one of the most common methods of tuning vehicles, where you apply a translucent film on the windows. An issue arises when you want to remove the tints due to several reasons.

This article lays its focus on how to remove window adhesive after you peel off the tint from your vehicle’s screens. The steps are simple, and you can pull them on your own without technical knowhow.

Ensure care when removing the glue, to preserve your windows’ state, and prevent scratches or cracks due to aggressive cleaning.


Hi there, I am R. Hasan Tito, a mechanic, and owner of this website. My friend and I created this website to share our knowledge, expertise, and experience with our fellow mechanics' community and car users. I am a specialist and certified automotive mechanic (Both Heavy Commercial and Private Cars). I worked as a Mechanic and Mechanic Supervisor for over fifteen years at Global Rebound Automotive companies - Toyota, TATA, BMW, Nissan, TVs, and Others. Now, I enjoy my new role of leading a team of automotive experts (in their respective fields) and publish new content on a regular basis on my website and social media.

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