Is Power Steering Fluid Flammable?

The power steering wheel is one of the most significant inventions n automobile engineering, meant to reduce the effort exerted in steering the car.  Power steering transmission fluid is an important part of this system, playing a role in power transfer. It is a common fluid in many garages and car trunks, and for safety reasons, many people ask; is power steering fluid flammable? This question serves to let people know how to handle this liquid to uphold safety in the vehicle or workshops, considering looming fire risks.

Yes, the power steering fluid is flammable, though at a lower degree compared to other excessively flammable liquids like gasoline. Many people would prefer to call it combustible instead of flammable, due to its high flash point. To understand more about it and settle the debate of whether power steering fluid is combustible or flammable, we will look at its flammability.

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Power Steering Fluid Flammability

Is Power Steering Fluid Flammable

Some time back, there was news of a major car manufacturer recalling cars back due to possible leaks, which could cause a fire. After this event, many car enthusiasts, drivers, and many others had the question, can power steering fluid catch fire? Yes, with the right temperature, the power steering fluid is flammable. There is the debate that this transmission fluid is more of combustible fluid, instead of flammable. While this might be true to some extent, or more of a generalization, we can comfortably say that it is flammable.

One factor that determines the flammability of fluid is if its flashpoint is lower than its boiling point. The power steering fluid flashpoint, at 300-500-degrees Fahrenheit is lower than its boiling point, which is around 600-700-degrees Fahrenheit.  To understand more about the flashpoint concept, it is the temperature where fluid becomes vapor which will auto-ignite. Looking at the values, it means power steering fluid will ignite at temperatures of 300 to 500-degrees Fahrenheit.

Does power steering fluid evaporate? Yes, it will evaporate at its flashpoint, where it can light automatically. The high flash point lowers the possibility of power steering fluid being the first cause of a fire. Instead, it is can be a secondary cause, especially if the surroundings become too hot and reach the evaporation point. Many experienced mechanics will advise you to repair a leak. While many drivers might ignore a power steering fluid leak, it is a fire hazard, especially if it comes to contact with hot car parts.

Another thing to know is that if it starts evaporating, this fluid can start spraying or producing mists, among the few occasions it can be the first cause of fire in a vehicle. The mists of sprays can auto-ignite, even if below the flashpoint.  The vapors are also toxic and when they burn they produce high levels of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur, and phosphorous oxides, and unburned hydrocarbons. You should put out power steering fluid fires with foam, dry chemicals, water fog, or carbon dioxide.

Safe Handling of Power Steering Fluid

Considering that the power steering fluid is flammable you should be keen on handling it. Is power steering fluid corrosive? No, it is not, though, it may cause paint to peel off in some areas it contacts. Here are some of the ways to safely handle this fluid.

  • Keep it away from naked fire sources. Despite having a high flash point, if it starts to vaporize, the vapors can start igniting below its flashpoint.
  • Label it correctly to avoid mistaken use.
  • Dispose of it properly when done with it. Disposal of power steering fluid relies on the same methods of how to dispose of used motor oil. Look for disposal sites that handle this type of waste.
  • Store it away from children and pets.
  • In case of a spill, clean it immediately. You can use your typical laundry detergent to deal with such a mess. If it spills inside the car or on some parts, a brake cleaner can do the job perfectly.
  • Always be keen on leaks. Some of the symptoms of a power steering fluid leak include low fluid level, squeaky noise, and difficulty in turning the steering wheel.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Power Steering Fluid Flammable


Q: Can A Power Steering Fluid Leak Cause Fire?

Yes, a power steering fluid leak can cause fire, and immediately you notice this issue you need to seek help. This fluid is not as flammable to the extreme degrees of gasoline, but it will support burning, especially if temperatures exceed their evaporation limit. If it comes to contact with hot parts it may produce some mist or spray, which can auto-ignite below the flashpoint. A thing to note is two top car manufacturers recalled back several units some years back due to a faulty power steering system, which could cause a leak, risking a fire hazard.

Q: Does Power Steering Fluid Burn Off?

Power steering fluid burning off the engine is something you should expect if there is a leak, which can be dangerous. If this liquid contacts hot surfaces it will burn, and at times the results may be hazardous.

Is Leaking Power Steering Fluid Dangerous?

Yes, a power steering fluid leak is something to pay attention to, as it may cause a fire. Though it is rare for this liquid to be the primary cause of vehicle fires, it can be a secondary cause due to the increase in temperatures. Burning power steering fluid produces gases that can be harmful, like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and sulfur and phosphorous oxides.

Q: Does Power Steering Fluid Evaporate?

Power steering fluid evaporates when it reaches its flash point, contrary to what many people may think due to its viscosity. When it evaporates, its vapors can auto ignites.

Q: Is Power Steering Fluid Corrosive?

Power steering fluid is not corrosive, but it may cause the peeling of paint from surfaces it touches. If it spills, you can clean it with laundry detergent or a brake cleaner.

Final Remark

The power steering unit is one of the most game-changing inventions in automotive technology, making car steering a simple task. Power steering fluid is one of the utilities of this system, which helps in power transmission. This piece tackles the question of this fluid’s flammability, which as we learn it is flammable calling for careful handling. In case of a leak, you have to sort it in time to edge out fire incidents.

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Hi there, I am R. Hasan Tito, a mechanic, and owner of this website. My friend and I created this website to share our knowledge, expertise, and experience with our fellow mechanics' community and car users. I am a specialist and certified automotive mechanic (Both Heavy Commercial and Private Cars). I worked as a Mechanic and Mechanic Supervisor for over fifteen years at Global Rebound Automotive companies - Toyota, TATA, BMW, Nissan, TVs, and Others. Now, I enjoy my new role of leading a team of automotive experts (in their respective fields) and publish new content on a regular basis on my website and social media.

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