What Is Mercedes-Benz Service A?

Owning a car is advantageous in all ramifications; from comfort to convenience, as well as time maximization. Therefore, automobiles are a blessing to humanity.

However, enjoying the satisfaction that comes with owning a car, especially a luxury car like Mercedes, demands regular maintenance at regular intervals.

Mercedes Benz requires services A, B, C, D, etc., at different intervals. Most Mercedes Benz enthusiasts keep asking, “What is Mercedes Service A?”

If you also have the same contemplation, everything you need to know has been unveiled in this article.

What Is Mercedes Service A?

Mercedes service A is a maintenance service required to be carried out on Mercedes Benz cars after 1 year or 10,000 miles (whichever comes first).

Servicing a luxury car like Mercedes Benz requires a careful understanding of the various services and the interval within which the maintenance service must be carried out.

The Mercedes service A involves a general inspection of the vehicle, as well as performing an oil service in the car.

It is important to study your Mercedes Benz manufacturer’s manual to understand every detail captured in the manual concerning maintenance service A, including services A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, etc.

The maintenance activities required in the Mercedes service A are expanded into services A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, and so on.

mercedes service schedule

Mercedes Benz Service A0

  • Cleaning of the sunroof.
  • Lubrication.
  • Spark plug service (depending on the model.

Mercedes Benz Service A1

Mercedes Benz Service A2

  • Cleaning of sunroof
  • Replacement of brake fluid.
  • Lubrication.

Mercedes Benz Service A3

  • Replacement of air filter.
  • Spark plug service.

Mercedes Benz Service A4

  • Replacement of air filter.
  • Spark plug service.
  • Cleaning of the sunroof.
  • Lubrication.

Mercedes Benz Service A5

  • Replacement of air filter.
  • Spark plug service.
  • Replacement of brake fluid.

Mercedes Benz Service A6

  • Replacement of air filter.
  • Spark plug service.
  • Replacement of brake fluid.
  • Cleaning of the sunroof.
  • Lubrication.

Mercedes Benz Service A7

Mercedes Benz Service A8

  • Replacement of automatic transmission oil.
  • Replacement of transmission filter.
  • Cleaning of the sunroof.
  • Lubrication.

Mercedes Benz Service A9

  • Replacement of automatic transmission oil.
  • Replacement of transmission filter.
  • Replacement of brake fluid.

What Is Mercedes Service A?

How do you clear a Mercedes service?

Clearing a Mercedes Benz service indicator is pretty easy and can be done within a few steps. The following steps can guide you through the process.

  • Step 1: Insert the Mercedes car key and turn it to the “ON” position. Ensure that the mileage of the car is displayed.
  • Step 2: Press the telephone button on the car’s steering wheel. After that, press the “OK” button immediately. Then, hold the two buttons for about 5 seconds.
  • Step 3: Press the “Downward” button on the car’s arrow pad. Ensure to press it down until it reaches the “Assyst Plus” option. After that, press “OK.”
  • Step 4: Press the same “Down” button to the point where you highlight “Service carried out.” Then, press “OK.”
  • Step 5: Again, press that same “Down” button to the point where you highlight “Service due.” Then, press “OK.”
  • Step 6: Finally, press the same “Down” button once more until you highlight “Full service.” Then, press “OK.”


What does service A in Mercedes cost?

The average cost of the Mercedes A service ranges between $210 and $315. The total cost comprises both parts and labor costs.

However, the total cost of Mercedes Service A depends on the chosen service provider that will do the job.

Also, the location of the parts dealer and the expert service provider is a factor to be considered when making a budget for your Mercedes service A cost.

Meanwhile, it is normal to expect that a luxury car (like Mercedes) will require a maintenance cost running in hundreds of dollars because it is worth the cost.

Which is the more expensive Mercedes A or B service?

Mercedes Service B is more expensive than Service A because the Mercedes Benz Service B maintenance is more intensive and comprehensive compared to Service A.

While you can budget around $210 to $315 for Mercedes service A, including parts and labor costs, expect to spend between $380 and $700 or even more on service B.

In any case, luxury cars come with so many demands, from the purchasing price to the regular maintenance cost.

So, if you own a Mercedes Benz, ensure to draw up a regular budget for your car maintenance. It will help you avoid unexpected expenses as you enjoy the satisfaction of your Mercedes.

What’s the difference between Mercedes A and B services?

Besides the fact that Mercedes Service B is more comprehensive and intensive than Service A, another major difference between both services is the interval.

Mercedes service A is required after driving the car for about 1 year or 10,000 miles (whichever comes first).

Meanwhile, for those asking, “What is a B1 service on a Mercedes?” Mercedes service B or B1 is required after 2 years or 20,000 miles (whichever comes first also).

Neglecting the Mercedes-Benz service schedule can cause serious problems for your Mercedes Benz in the long run.

Therefore, you must ensure to pay attention to the prescribed interval for both maintenance schedules and do the needful to keep your Mercedes Benz under perfect conditions always.

How much does the Mercedes A1 service cost?

Mercedes Benz A1 service costs around $200. The service requires only a regular inspection and an oil service. This is not very comprehensive compared to Mercedes Benz service B.

While the Mercedes Benz A1 service requires a regular inspection, as well as an oil service, the Mercedes Benz service B is a combination of A1 service plus computer reset, changing the oil filter, etc.

While the Mercedes A1 service cost is estimated at around $200, expect to spend anything around $400 or more for a Mercedes service B.

For those asking, “Is Mercedes service B necessary?” It is important to note that service A differs from service B, and they are both necessary.

Final Words

Now that, everything you need to know about this particular maintenance service has been addressed above in this article. I hope you stop were wondering, “What is Mercedes service A?”

Make sure you take out time to understand and differentiate between Mercedes services A0 from A1, A2, A3, and so on.
And for those asking, “What is Mercedes Service B?” It is a maintenance service that combines service A and a couple of other maintenance activities. It is expected to be carried out after 2 years or 20,000 miles (whichever comes first).

Osuagwu Solomon

Osuagwu Solomon is a certified mechanic with over a decade of experience in the mechanic garage, and he has over five years of experience in the writing industry. He started writing automotive articles to share his garage experience with car enthusiasts and armature mechanics. If he is not in the garage fixing challenging mechanical problems, he is writing automotive repair guides, buyer’s guides, and car and tools comparisons.

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