How to Fix Rusted Brake Lines – Step by Step Guide

The braking system is one of the most important parts of your vehicle. A car without good brakes poses a significant risk to you, your family, and others. It is, therefore, crucial to ensure your brakes are properly maintained. The essence of maintaining your vehicle’s brake system cannot be emphasized enough.

Your vehicle’s braking system may be complicated, but it is easy to maintain. If your brakes have to be applied harder or they are not properly functioning, then rusty brake lines may be the cause. This guide will instruct you on how to fix rusted brake lines to ensure safety.

rusted brake lines repair

How to Fix Rusted Brake Lines

1. Getting Ready

A sinking brake line does not always mean that your vehicle’s brake lines are rusty. It is vital before taking any action to confirm that the sinking pedal is not due to something else. A simple test is when the car is stopped. Try maintaining an even pressure on your car’s brake pedal. If the pedal sinks lower even a little, then you may need to bleed your braking system.

A sinking brake pedal may also be caused by other things such as a failing master cylinder, a lousy caliper, a leaking rear wheel, or bad ABS. Before cleaning your vehicle’s brake lines, those with standard transmissions should be kept in first gear while those with auto transmissions should be in the park.

You should then get the necessary tools for your work, such as a car jack, jack stands, wrenches, clean brake fluid, and a repair manual. Also, consult the owner’s manual to know precisely the type of brake fluid your vehicle needs and how to clean brake dust.

2. Inspect the Rust

Lift your vehicle using a jack and pack it on a car lift or prop it using jack stands. Find the brake line and inspect the dirty or rusty brake lines. Typically, the brake line may either be wholly or partly rusted. If the brake line is partially rusty, cleaning the line brings the system into perfect working condition.

However, if they still do not work correctly, even after cleaning, then it should be replaced altogether. During this process, you may require the best flaring tools that make your work easier. A flaring tool is one of the best brake line cleaning tools from your local tools supplier.

3. Remove the Brake Line

First off, locate the correct brake line that needs cleaning. Using wrenches, unscrew the brackets to remove the brake line. The brake line can also be removed by removing the clips holding the line onto the frame. Before you clean the dirt in bake lines, you need to measure the appropriate measurement of the brake line together with the bending using a measuring tape.

How to Fix Rusty Brake Lines

4. Prepare the Brake Line

According to the correct measurements and size, get a new brake line. Keep the new and old brake lines alongside each other. Here you would require the best brake line bender for this task. These tools will help you to bend the new brake line o match that of the old one. A bender makes joints while still maintaining a continuous flow of fluid or as through the pipe. The brake line benders also help ensure that you make perfect bends.

5. Fix the Bake Line

Once you place the new brake line using clips from the old one, tighten the connection nuts and refill the master cylinder with brake fluid. Brake fluids transmit pressure to the brake pads from the pedal. The best fluid for your vehicle ought to transfer the force effectively, lubricate the calipers, have a high boiling point, and offer resistance to corrosion. The most common brake fluid today is the DOT brake fluid.

It is important to find the best fluid for your vehicle as it is one of the significant determinants of the performance of your vehicle’s braking system. The best braking fluid also ensures the durability of your vehicle parts and maximum efficiency. There are four types of brake fluids you can choose from. You can use either dot 3, dot 4, or dot 5 brake fluids, depending on the type of your vehicle.

6. Bleed the Brake Line

Bake fluid often attracts moisture, which causes damage to your braking system. Bleeding the brake line helps expel any air from the brake line that prevents it from working efficiently. Fill the master cylinder with the brake fluid, and then ask someone to start the vehicle and press the brake pedal.

The bleeder screw on one of the wheels should be loosened to allow air to exit completely until the brake fluid starts to flow. You ought to repeat this process for all wheels and then refill the master cylinder with brake fluid.

The brake fluid should be checked as well as changed after about 25000 miles. Bleeding the system improves the efficacy of the system, and it should be done after every two or three years of your vehicle’s life span. After draining the brake fluid, you should test the functionality of your brakes before using the car again.

Unfortunately, there is no sure way of protecting brake lines from rust, but it can be significantly reduced by oiling and easing as well as regular maintenance. At times, it may be essential to replace some of the elements in your braking system. Upgrades improve the longevity and performance of your car’s brake system.

 Final Word

Your braking system is your safety while on the road. Ensuring that they are in good working condition is crucial to protect all around you, and hence, you should maintain all braking parts. Hopefully, this guide on how to fix rusted brake lines goes a long way to ensure the effectiveness of your vehicle’s brake system. This is a straightforward process that doubles up as affordable because you have eliminated all mechanic fees. All the steps are safe, but at times, you may need to consult the experts for advice on how to go about the process safely.

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Hi there, I am R. Hasan Tito, a mechanic, and owner of this website. My friend and I created this website to share our knowledge, expertise, and experience with our fellow mechanics' community and car users. I am a specialist and certified automotive mechanic (Both Heavy Commercial and Private Cars). I worked as a Mechanic and Mechanic Supervisor for over fifteen years at Global Rebound Automotive companies - Toyota, TATA, BMW, Nissan, TVs, and Others. Now, I enjoy my new role of leading a team of automotive experts (in their respective fields) and publish new content on a regular basis on my website and social media.

3 thoughts on “How to Fix Rusted Brake Lines – Step by Step Guide

  1. Error in paragraph four:
    These tools will help you to bend the new brake line o match that of the old one.
    should be “to match that of the old one.”

    Otherwise a perfectly good article.
    Keep up the good work!
    Kenneth Keen

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